Emotion Focused Couples Therapy

What is Emotion Focused Couples Therapy or EFT? EFT is the only couples therapy model that has been shown to create lasting change in a couple’s argument cycle and emotional intimacy levels. EFT explores the root of each individual’s attachment history and the ways they communicate.

With me, you will look at the basic dynamic of; What sparked a reaction? What feeling came up? What thought or story pairs with that feeling? And finally, how are you handing that over to your partner, or in other words what was the behavior you displayed. While that can sound a little diagramy (I like made up feeling words), it provides a rich opportunity to learn how your person interprets certain actions and where those came free (surprise, your childhood!)

The more we explore and the more practice we gain at sharing in a healthy way, the more your brain actually changes and let’s you know your partner is safe, loving and there for you.

Those skills mixed with that brain change equals a secure attachment you and your person can lean on even when things get hard.

Couples Therapy

What is Sex Therapy?

Physical intimacy is a huge part of any couple’s relationship. When couples are in sync and feeling connected, sex and physical intimacy can feel connecting and fun. When out of sync, sex can become one of the main issues couples seek therapy for.

Our sexual relationships can become out of balance for many reasons. Life transitions, age, trauma, and busy schedules are a few reasons that things may become out of whack.

Let’s look at Becky and Bill. They have three kids, two in school, and a baby. Bill works full time and travels. Becky is their home’s CEO, in charge or appointments, after school activities, food…and so on. After a full day or being nit picked at work Bill wants to come home and feel calm and relaxed. After a full day of driving everyone around, making meals the kids don’t eat, and carrying a fussy baby around, Becky wants help and to be seen.

The kids finally go to bed. Becky wants Bill to just sit close and watch a show, she’s feeling icky and over touched. Bill is hoping that now they can finally get some more alone time in bed because he’s craving closeness, and it’s been a few weeks since they last had sex.

Bill initiates… Becky sighs…Bill feels rejected and unappreciated…Becky feels misunderstood and overwhelmed. They don’t say any of this out loud and just end up going to bed feeling disconnected, sad and angry.

This plays out in many different ways for couples. The more they miss each other, the more difficult it becomes to get back to responding in the ways each person needs.

Individual or couples therapy can be very helpful:

To get your sex life back to a new normal.

To baby step back to finding passion and fun.

To heal from trauma.

To gain a sexual version of yourself you may have never had.

Therapy for Teens


If you are reading this, it is probably because there is something happening in your life that you wish was going differently. Either that, or someone that loves you thinks you could use some support. I’m not sure what you’ve heard about therapy–who or what you believe it’s for. What I do know is that therapy often gets a bad rap!  So let’s bust a few myths:

1. “Only crazy people need therapists” If I had a dollar for every time I heard this one I would be rich! In my opinion, there’s not a person on earth who could not benefit from seeing a therapist. Do you want someone to talk to about your goals, dreams and ambitions? Someone to help you explore what it would mean for you to live a more meaningful life? How about someone to help you change some things about your life that aren’t going the way you’d like them to? Are there behaviors, feelings or relationships that you feel are holding you back? The most common things I support young people with are: self esteem issues, confusion about the future, conflict with parents or other relatives, school problems, unhealthy peer or romantic relationships and confusion/fear around sexuality or ‘coming out’ to family.  You only get one wild life, why not make it the most beautiful one you can imagine?

2. “Therapy is for weak people” Even the happiest, most self reliant people go through periods in their lives that push them past their ability to cope on their own. Admitting that you want or need help is one of the bravest things I can think of. If a little voice in your head (or someone you actually know) is telling you to just “get over it” or “snap out of it”, ask yourself this question: If your best friend told you they were struggling, unhappy or feeling stuck and wanted to see a therapist, would you tell them they were weak and to get over it on their own? I doubt it! What might you say instead? Whatever you might say to your best friend is what you should also say to yourself. You deserve just as much grace as the people you love.

3. “Talking about my problems won’t help” Sometimes, no matter how much the adults in our lives love us, it is hard for us to talk to them about what we’re going through because we are afraid to hurt, disappoint or upset them. As a teenager, how often do you get the opportunity to be the expert? In my office, you are the expert on your own experience, which means I won’t tell you what you think or feel is stupid, wrong or unrealistic. I like to think of a therapist’s office as the one place we can say LITERALLY anything that’s on our mind, without fear of judgment or consequences. I don’t know anyone you know, and I am legally bound to keep your secrets (minus a few exceptions like if you’re having thoughts about suicide or if someone is hurting you). How would your life be different if you had an unbiased outsider in your life that wanted to help you carry the heavy stuff? I won’t get into the nitty gritty, but there is a TON of research and evidence-based practices that are shown again and again to have positive outcomes for people and support them in improving their lives.

4. “If I start therapy, I will have to go forever!” ANY good therapist’s goal should be to help you get to a place where you feel confident you have the tools to handle whatever life throws at you and you no longer need outside support. There may be times in your life when stressors or old negative patterns of thinking, feeling or behaving are no longer working for you and you want to seek counseling again. This is super normal and totally okay! But the only person that gets to decide how long you are in therapy is you. I will consistently ask for your feedback, if what we are doing is working for you, if you are seeing improvements in your wellbeing and what you’d like to focus on next.

5. “Therapy looks like me laying on a couch and an old man sitting behind me asking me about my relationship with my mother…” Well.. sometimes! But I am personally neither old nor a man, so you don’t have to worry about that with me. Side note: we will only talk about your relationship with your mom if that’s something you’d like to work on. 😉 Sessions with me will be relaxed and open. In my office, we are equals–we are a team that is working together towards building you the best life you can imagine. Together with your other trusted people, like your parents, we will work through things that have had you stuck. We can sit in the office or go for walks, we can do creative projects, writing exercises or listen to music. We will do the hard work, I will ask you hard questions and it may be uncomfortable sometimes, but it will be okay because together we can do hard things. We will also have fun! We will laugh and crack jokes and not take ourselves too seriously. Because growing should always be at least as enjoyable as it is hard.

I hope this helped you get an idea of what therapy could do for you, who I am and how I could potentially be a supportive part of your life. I want you to know that I do not hold the secret to unlocking your happiness or potential–YOU do! My job isn’t to tell you how to be happy or how to build the most meaningful life you can imagine. My job is to ask you the right questions, push you to consider things you maybe haven’t thought about yet and hold you accountable to the goals you set for yourself. The bottom line is that I believe that no one should ever have to feel like they are doing life alone. I can’t wait to meet you!


Hypnotherapy- Dealing with Anxiety & Quarantine

Time, so much time. Time to do that yardwork you’ve been putting off since October, time to do every dusty puzzle you can dig up from the basement, time to watch every show your never thought you would waste a second on, time to clean behind the fridge, under the stove, and spaces you only just recently realized existed in your home. Time is something many of us have an abundance of right now. For some people that is a luxury, and for many others it is a breeding ground for anxiety. Unscheduled and open time can bring up many things we have been consciously (or unconsciously) shoving down to “deal with later”. Well, unfortunately, that “later” is now. Without those same everyday distractions of life to keep our minds busy, some of those anxious thoughts are probably surfacing. Whether they are old tired thoughts or shiny new ones that your mind has just recently come up with, (our brains are so good at that) hypnosis can help! 

Hypnotherapy is extremely useful during times of crisis, when it feels like you have no control over anxiety and circular thoughts. With hypnosis, we can interrupt these feelings (or any other undesired feeling) by using something I call an “anchor”. This anchor creates control over your thoughts and emotions, stopping rumination in its tracks. Using hypnosis, we open the door to the subconscious mind, allowing deeper work through connection to self. By experiencing a situation (under hypnosis) in a different way than you ever experienced it in real life, you uncover blocks and even create new neural pathways in the brain – instead of using those old paths that led to the same undesired results. In fact, one session of hypnotherapy can be as effective as up to five sessions of talk therapy in dealing with anxiety and stress! 

 This is an incredibly helpful way to allow you to remove those “anxiety goggles,” blurring how we perceive reality. Without them, we can more easily deal with any underlying issues that may be causing the anxiety in the first place, disarming it and taking our power back! By allowing ourselves to see clearly again, we are also able to “empty our cups” and allow for more space to deal with the unexpected stress of living in quarantine or whatever else comes up for us during this time.

If you are tired feeling controlled by anxiety and are ready to gain your power back, schedule an appointment! Let’s work together to use this time to create lasting positive change!

Couples Therapy During Covid 19

Let’s be honest, our world is profoundly different than it was just a few weeks ago. In a matter of days we went from cruising along with our relationships, careers and family life, to spending every waking hour near our partners and feeling the underlying issues we haven’t addressed starting to bubble up.

Maybe at first this seemed like a blessing. “Wow I get to spend time with my loved ones like I haven’t in a really long time.”

Maybe it’s more like, “Shit, we haven’t been getting along at all, and now all the ways I’ve been avoiding our issues are constantly in my face.”

Maybe it’s somewhere in the middle. “I love this person, but our tension is right there and we can’t seem to shake it.” “I can go blow off steam at the gym.” And “I can’t go get coffee with a friend band shake it off.”

Now is a great time to start sorting out some of those communication issues you’ve known were a problem. Take some of this time to learn how to lean on each other in ways that actually leave you feeling closer and understood. Goodness knows that there is a lot of stress and worry right now!